About Me

Suzi Le Fanue

Naturopath, Clinic Founder, Speaker and Wellness Educator

Naturopath, Medical Herbalist, Nutritionist and FounderĀ 

I am a universal Naturopath, Coordinated Wellbeing Facility Organizer, Naturopath Tutor, Speaker, up and coming creator and Health Teacher.

I hold a Four year certification in scientific studies (Biomedical Science) from the College of the Daylight Drift. I finished this degree out of unadulterated interest. I knew I needed to be in the wellbeing business, however I simply didn’t know precisely what I needed to do. I truly needed to “discover a cure” for something and roll out a positive improvement on the planet. Amid my degree I truly found what wellbeing and health implied for me, I generally was attracted to Common Treatments yet I ended up considering pharmacology and so forth. It was towards the finish of my Single man that I understood I expected to wind up plainly a Naturopath. I was regarded to be acknowledged as a major aspect of a sub-atomic science (hereditary qualities) examine venture through my degree and realized that developing science is essential thus I would not like to neglect Science, as I trust the medicinal world has spared my life. I needed a profession where the two are combined. This is the place Coordinated Wellbeing Facility sprung up.

You can read more about my customs here at Coordinated Health Center site.

In 2013, I established Daylight Drift’s first Naturopath Incorporated Wellbeing Facility. At first it was simply myself, however inside month I had a group of Experts on board. All because of a similar objective. The biomedical approach. Incorporated Wellbeing Center is currently home to 5 Naturopaths, 3 unified wellbeing Specialists and our organization group drove by our astounding Practice Chief, Nikki.

I know numerous Naturopaths battle transforming their energy into a profession, thus I spend numerous hours outside of counseling supporting and coaching Naturopaths in both clinical treatment abilities and clinical administration aptitudes.

I was so humbled to be featured on the October cover of Holistic Bliss Magazine you can read the full story here –> Holistic Bliss Magazine Page 14-15


Video Presentation